JAMMU, JUMNE 17: The Government today issued an order for the different departments to function their headquarters along with the records for the forthcoming Annual Darbar Move-2020.
The General Administration Department order said that in continuation to the Government Order No. 626-JK(GAD) of 2020 dated 08.06.2020, it is hereby ordered that the Departments shall primarily function from the headquarters alongwith the records in the following manner:
The Departments whose headquarters will move to Srinagar include Civil Aviation, Culture, Estates, Finance, Floriculture, General Administration, Horticulture, Higher Education, Hospitality & Protocol, Industries & Commerce, Information Technology, Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs, Labour & Employment, Public Works, Social Welfare, School Education, Skill Development, Tourism , Youth, Services & Sports.
While as Animal/Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries , ARI & Trainings, Cooperative, Disaster Management Relief, Rehabilitation Reconstruction, Election, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Forest, Ecology & Environment , Health & Medical Education, Home, Housing & Urban Development, Information, Jal Shakti, Planning, Development & Monitoring, Power Development, Revenue, Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Transport and Tribal Affairs will function from Jammu Secretariat.
Likewise, Agriculture Production and Science & Technology would function from both Jammu and Srinagar Secretariats.